Friday, March 4, 2011


Magic Dust is exactly what it sounds like it is, magical dust mixed with a special sparkly ingredient and every one who has used it says it really works! If you are one of those crazy Edward Cullen fans and you are totally team Edward all the way, Magic Dust can help you too! It's pale white ingredients can make you just as pale as Edward! Now if you are one of those people who  love to tell jokes but spend most of your time in the sun, Magic dust can help you to. its sparkly ingredients are so sparkly you will look like a true clown and you will never get fired because you're too tan to be a clown! It's also used for cooks! Just add th!e ingredeints and cook!. And the best of all, it can make you shirnk, no other technology can do that! all you have to do is add are specile sparckles!
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